Hey y'all! Whats Hap-pinning Wednesday?? Grab the button and link up with Jenn and Jessi!
1) I made this pasta recipe that Jenn shared last week! Steven approved and we had leftovers! I am secretly hoping that he doesn't eat it all for dinner tonight so that I can have a little when I get home from class ;) It's THAT GOOD y'all, and its vegetarian too! Win, Win.
2) Speaking of veggies, I loaded my grocery cart up with a whole bunch of them on Sunday, and so tomorrow night we are having grilled romaine lettuce. Have any of you tried this? We had the first time on St. Simons a few weeks ago and I fell in love! To go along with the lettuce, we're going to have roasted red cabbage + squash + zucchini + chick peas. Mmmmmm! Top that off with a nice glass of Vinho Verde and I'm in summer heaven!
3) We're getting our house painted!!!! It needs it just as bad as the grass needs some rain right now! My mom and I spent a good hour in Sherwin Williams yesterday trying to narrow things down. Shortly thereafter I was just ready to toss all of the paint chips in to a pile and blindly pick one.
We narrowed it down to the top three contenders and left with about $30 worth of paint samples. After work my parents came out and we "test" painted the windows, trim and body colors....
The only thing that was decided was the trim color - Sherwin Williams Moderate White - I really like Manor House (photo on left, top paint chip) for the window trim, but I'm not going to base my body color off of trim, that can easily be changed. Back to the drawing board we go!! Word to the wise, buy a brick house! Hahahaha! Or at least the Caudells will be buying a brick house the next go' round!
That is what's hap-pinning around these parts today! :)
I've never had grilled lettuce! That sounds yummy!
Grilling lettuce?? Say what? I've never thought of doing that before, but I'm sure skipping over to Pinterest now to check out some recipes!