Linking up today with two of my favorite ladies, Jenn and Jessi, for Whats Hap-Pinning Wednesday!
Before I start talking about my favorite f, I want to know if any of you have seen that video floating around about the two brothers who pranked their sister into thinking that there was a zombie outbreak?? Their little sister got her wisdom teeth removed and on the ride home they "faked" a newscast over the radio, then once they got home they started giving her random stuff, like a trash picker-upper. Then they told her that their mom said that they could take just one animal, she screams "The cat! the dog is on its last leg" Hahaha. My kinda girl! CLICK HERE to watch the video.
Y'all, I just love food. I could look like Kate Moss in her glory days, but I just like to eat too much. #truth.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have made an honest effort to have meatless Monday with enough veggies to last for tues or wed nights dinner. Last night we had a "salad". I used to be convinced that a salad had to have meat and cheese on it.... well at least cheese. Anyway, THIS was the recipe that I based our dinner off of. I had some extra red cabbage left over from last week, so I added that into the mix and I opted for Parmesan couscous instead of regular. I'm still thinking about it. We have these over-sized soup/cereal bowls and I served the salad in these. You get the good fats from the avocado, carbs from the couscous and serious vitamins in between the brussel sprouts and cabbage. Of course I added a little Parmesan cheese on top, so you could say you got you calcium for the day too! Haha!
You know, I didn't miss the meat and apparently Cornflake didn't either. She kept trying to get in my lap while we were eating so I stuck my fork out to her and she licked it!!! Then she went back for MORE! She thinks she is a human. A lot of the time when I cook vegetarian I don't miss the meat. So many of the flavors blend together and then toss it in to that big ole bowl with a glass of vino and I'm a happy camper!! I have two Mediterranean Diet cookbooks and a "complete" vegetarian cookbook. I think I am going to do a little reading tonight! With some vino of course. :)
Steven wanted to play a little Call of Duty last night, so I retreated to the bedroom with Cornflake and the latest issue of SELF. While reading last night, I stumbled across their 6-Week, A-Bikini-A-Day Challenge and it sparked my interest! If you sign up it comes with daily motivation, new cardio and strength training videos (with gifs for demonstration!) and the "cherry on the top" is that you could win a trip to Hard Rock in Riveria Maya! The challenge begins on Saturday! I've signed up for it! Ekk!
Wish me luck!
hahaha that video! I just gave in and watched it this morning - "why would we need a garden hoe??!!" Poor girl! YOU GO with the bikini challenge - let me know how it goes bc lord knows I need to be doing something similar!