Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What to Blog About?

Hey friends!! This morning on my way to work I started thinking about what to blog about today. I've hit spring fashion, you're sick of hearing about my house, Cornflake is awesome but I don't want to become the "cat lady blogger" and I've got a post on my heart, but I am saving that for Thursday. So what is a girl to blog about??

Duh, why don't I ask you?!?! What kind of posts do you want to read on GG? 
Last week I reached out to someone help me give GG a makeover! There is nothing wrong with my current layout, but there is nothing wrong with breathing some fresh air into this little space either :) When I think about putting myself back out in the job market, I also have to think about "what if my potential employer finds GG?". Should they come across it, I don't want there to be embarrassing or "too personal" content on here, but I also want the look to reflect two things, me and a mature space. I'll be 30 in 37 days (yikes) and I don't want the space to feel like a 21 year old is writing it. Which means I have some writing improvements to make, but I also want to improve the over all look! 

Enough talking from me, you get to talking and tell me what you want to read! I can't wait to see what y'all have to say!


  1. Personally, I'm not sick of the house stuff!! My husband and I are slowly trying to turn our house into a home and I find that you have similar taste to me! So I vote keep it up!

  2. I love house stuff, so I don't ever get tired of it! :o)

  3. I enjoy hearing about home renovation so don't stop with those posts. I enjoy your fashion and food posts and maybe some more 'getting to know you' posts as well. I understand what you mean about an employer finding the blog, I get so nervous thinking about it.

  4. Love cornflake and the home stuff so blog on lady blog on.
