Thursday, May 14, 2015

100th Post + Thursday Thoughts!

This is my 100th post on Georgia Glam! Insert popping champagne bottles and glitter errrrywhere :) 

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has followed me and left sweet comments since October! 
Cheers to hundreds more blog posts! 

I am not a baker by any means. My idea of baking is buying boxed brownies and adding some nuts to it and calling it "homemade"!! While in Williams-Sonoma Saturday, I saw this ring cookie cutter and I thought to myself 'how fun would it be to serve ring cookies on Saturday night?!?!'. I am still trying to figure out why I am killing myself over making cookies because the brides doesn't even know that I bought this cookie cutter YET there is a part of my that knows I will feel extremely guilty if I don't make them. 
via Williams-Sonoma
Sorry for the side rant....all of that was leading up to me saying that I need to buy a sifter in order to make "hard icing" that will stick on the cookies bc I plan on making "gold" and "white" icing and drawing a ring on there. So my plan is make the cookies tonight (hello pre-made dough) and ice them tomorrow night! 

Speaking of tonight....we are going to do a "drive-by" of a few houses that we like! After much thought and discussion, we have decided that we are ready to move back to The Classic City! We currently live about 25 minutes outside of Athens. Granted, that is not far at all, it is just that our quaint-cute-sleepy little town is exactly that...sleepy! And right now we are very awake!!! Athens was where I lived when we met, and it truly is the city where we fell in love. Granted, this move will create a morning commute for both of us, but we want to be in Athens. This is where our hearts are, ALL of our friends are - other than Josh and Amanda! - and it where we want to raise our children. Thankfully, there is a lot of real estate in our price range. Now the big question is...Move in ready? or Fixer Upper? 

How do we convince Property Brothers or Fixer-Upper to come to Athens?!?!?!? Haha!

Why did Cornflake have to have two kittens?!?!?! Why couldn't she have had three or four so that I wouldn't be so TORMENTED by only giving one of them away! Anyways....we are keeping Waffles and Cocoa Puff is going to a new home. Thankfully, I have two friends who want her, so I know that whoever takes her, she will be in good hands! However...if she wasn't getting adopted....she has a future as a pole dancer! Bahahahahaha. 

And that friends, are my Thursday Thoughts! 

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