Haaaaayyyy Girl Hey! It's Friday!
1) Steven's mom is coming to stay with us this weekend!
Don't ask my why, but I am kind of a wreck. I just want everything to be perfect!! I am about to get super old-school southern here (so if you're a hardcore feminist don't leave me a scathing comment) but I want to show Peggy that I am keeping a good home for her son. I want her to know just how much I love him, and keeping a nice home and cooking etc etc is just an extension of my love. Does this make sense? It might only make sense to me, but I want her to know that I will be a good wife.
While she is here this weekend, we're going to a cake tasting and are going to play around downtown, and I'm also cooking Saturday night! Here is the menu:
Pre-dinner cheese plate with wine
Steaks from Striplings
Fresh shrimp from SSI! (Steven's mom lives on St. Simons Island)
Twice baked potatoes
Parmesean crusted green beans with almonds
Sunday morning:
Early morning - sausage and cheese muffins w/coffee
Brunch - Blueberry (crockpot) french toast w/bacon (gotta cut the sweet ;) and fruit
I am probably putting WAY too much pressure on myself for this weekend. I know that it will be fun and we'll enjoy ourselves. It'll be nice to just catch up.
2) Thank you Express coupons!
I ordered this outfit yesterday for our engagement party and thanks to the coupon, it was $89! With shipping! I have always been an Express girl, I can remember being in middle school (at the height of when it was cool to wear black pants with everything) and my mom taking me to shop at Express to get an outfit for our middle school dance. Gah, I thought I was something else!! And some odd 15-16 years later, I'm still shopping there!
3) Cornflake
This little girl is killing us in the middle of the night. If we are turned on our sides, she likes to climb on top of us. Last night we closed our bedroom door....Lawd have mercy, she flipped her sh*t. Around 3am, I am pretty sure that she got a running start and headbutted the door. We cannot decide what is better/worse? Her climbing on us in the middle of the night, or listening to her meow and scratch at the door.
4) This picture
It is my favorite
5) Pringles
There is a can of pringles sitting on my desk, I've had them for breakfast the past three mornings with my coffee. #sorryimnotsorry And they said Wheaties were the "breakfast of champions" psh!
Oh girl, I feel you. I get the same way when anyone visits our apartment. I have to clean it spic and span and have the perfect food and drinks to showcase I can be a good hostess. Just know she already loves ya so enjoy the weekend too.