There is a lot going on this month, but I am looking forward to all of it! I don't have any particular "goals" for March, just a few things that I would like to get accomplished, but before I share that, let's see how February stacked up...
1) Hang master bedroom and guest bedroom curtains
As you can see, the guest room is 50% complete. But now I am facing a bigger problem, Wal Mart no longer makes that blue color curtain. Apparently I snagged up the last pair, and I have been to three other Wally Worlds to try and find another set. It is now looking like I will have to return those and go back to the drawing board. Damn.
2) Join a local gym Well, I don't know if this really counts as a cross off. I did a trial at one of the two local gyms, but unfortunately I do not have enough body art (tattoos) to be a member there. I'm not knocking tattoos but obviously there is a lot of exposed skin at the gym and I sh*t you not every.single.person. had ink. And not like one tattoo, I mean like sleeves, chest art, totally covered shoulders, behind the ear, need I say more. BUT more than that, I got stared at every time I worked out, like the women were judging me, it was VERY uncomfortable.
3) Save $166 - Ha! This didn't happen, but I did pay off my credit cards with my tax return so I think this could be considered a "wash".
4) Find placemats and napkins for dining room table
5) Carve out more quite time for myself and the Lord- I didn't so much spend more time reading my devotional, I spent more time praying. If I felt like I needed a little help, or I knew someone was hurting or I saw someone homeless or devastation on the news, I would just pause for a moment and send up a little prayer for them.
6) Plan a date night away from home We had a sushi date in Athens on Friday night and it was delicious! We ended the date by both falling asleep on the couch watching House of Cards.
7) Buy myself something un-house, un-wedding related
I splurged and bought myself this beautiful Lilly Pultizer shift dress! I love the coloring and plan on wearing it for Easter!! I also have a wedding in June that is early afternoon, so it will work for that too!
Whats on tap for March?
1) Save for Honeymoon!! We have to go to some exotic locale so that I can wear this cute tank that my bestie sent me as a coverup!
2) Hang our degrees in our office. We worked (partied) hard in college for those four little pieces of paper!3) Complete registry. We've began noting a few things that we want, now its time to put it out there for our guests to see!
4) Register for a 5K and start running! I know that I could just go out and run three miles, but if I register for a race, then I've got a goal to work toward! There is a 5K in Athens on April 18th, I ran it last year and it was a lot of fun, so perhaps I'll do it again.
That is about it! I don't want to get too terribly lofty with my goals! I hope that everyone's start to March has been as smooth and lamb-like as mine :)
Okay, it's taken me a minute to recuperate form the wedding weekend, but i love your goals! I will make a wedding post soon with some sneak peak pics that I have. Unfortunately I didn't take a lot on my own, but my guests sure did help!! :) Have fun making your registry, we did!!