Over the past several months, Steven and I have turned into beer snobs. Last week, we both needed a beer after work and we only had two Terrapin's left. So I let Steven have them and I chose to drink a Bud Light that was left over from our engagement party.....oh lawd. I have never been a BL girl, Miller Lite is my jam, but particular bottle was just awful. Fancy IPAs and Pale Ales will change your palate!! The #clubcaudellcircle beer of choice is Terrapin Recreation Ale, we HIGHLY recommend this beer! However, Friday night we tried these new brews, Blue Moon First Peach Ale, Blue Moon White IPA and Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter IPA.
Get your hands on the Peach Ale ASAP! You will not regret it!!!
If you're watching calories, beware of the White IPA, is has 177 per bottle! Still really good!
Hop Hunter, unless you like straight up hops in a glass, I recommend something else haha! Steven LOVED it! I think very hoppy beers are just geared toward a man's palate because I cannot get into them.
After our samplings I whipped up some quesedillas for dinner and we hung out on the couch for the rest of the evening. This seems to be our M.O. when we have something big coming up the next day.
Saturday morning it was kind of gloomy, which had been the weather pattern for the past week here in Georgia, but we got ready and headed out for Barstool Classic!
The Barstool Classic is a bar-golf fundraiser for the Athens Area Cancer Auxiliary. We "golfed" our way through six bars in downtown! Last year I was on a bachelorette party, so I was unable to attend, but I will say that this year we had a blast! Some of the "holes" were quite complicated! Lumpkin Street Station even had a multilevel hole!
Top Level |
Bottom Level |
I am by NO means a golfer, but this looks fun!