Hey Pretty People!! Happy Friday! The sun is finally shining here in Georgia and I must say that I am in a good mood this morning, even after having been in the bed for the past two days battling the plague.
At our November Junior League meeting, our guest speaker was talking about happiness. A way that she was encouraging us to be more happy/productive/thankful was to write down 3-5 things that we are thankful for every day. She said that it didn't necessarily have to be serious, but just something that either happened or an item or situation (in my case, whoever invented wine lol) that we were thankful for. After this meeting, I tried to get in the habit of doing this, and I did for a week or so and then we moved. Since the move I have not been able to find the little black notebook - with a huge 4" white monogram on it - that I was writing this down in :(
Two days from now we will have officially been in our house 1 month! I swear y'all it feels more like several months! But that is good, that means that this house is becoming our home! In the past 30 days I have picked up my devotional maybe three times, not nearly as much as I need to be picking it up.
This photo came up in my Insta feed yesterday. Do any of y'all follow Rachel from Rachel Rewritten? She is one of my favorite bloggers!! I totally dig her honesty and how she can so eloquently word her posts. Like Rachel, I have a Day Designer for my 2015 planner. One of the things that I love about this planner is that there is a "top 3" section at the top of every day.
That Whitney English, I tell you what, she is a smart cookie and she just KNEW that the "top 3" section for was perfect for this haha! So, for the next fifteen days, I have decided that I am going to use this section of my planner as the "happiness/thankful" section!
Enter....The Happiness Thankful Project.... The H.T. Project.
Not only am I making this promise to myself, but I want y'all to make the promise to do it too!! I am going to be real here, there are some days where this might not happen. It might only happen 5 out of the 7 days of the week, BUT I want 2015 to be the happiest year of my life and I want that for y'all too! For the next fifteen days I challenge y'all to write down 3 things a day and share your writings via social media with #thehtproject
My hope is that after fifteen days your heart will be SO thankful and happy, that you'll continue #thehtproject for the rest of the year! Use this picture to share on Instagram, FB and Twitter!
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