Hey There! I am beginning to think that Thursday might be my favorite day of the week! Why? Well, since the day after is Friday, I don't feel too terribly bad for having that second cough cough third glass of wine, or staying up later because I can motivate myself to do just about anything on a Friday haha!
1) Since my post on Wednesday A LOT has happened! We set our date, venue and hired a wedding planner! Funny how things can change in a matter of 48 hours! I feel like I can take a sigh of relief!
2) Do y'all menu plan? This week I planned our meals based off of what I already had and making recipes with similar ingredients. I saw a significant decrease in the bill, like a $60 decrease! It went from $126 to $53. Granted we did not buy any alcohol because we had plenty but only about $15 of that bill was booze! So what did I make this week?
Monday - Oven Fajitas with Black Beans
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Spinach and Mushroom Quinoa "Risotto" w/chicken
Thursday - Crustless spinach/mushroom/feta quiche w/potatoes.
Friday nights we typically just snack and around 9 if one of us is truly hungry, we'll heat up leftovers. With the fajitas there are not a lot of leftovers, but if you really want them for lunch or more for the next night, I would add in another red pepper and maybe some mushrooms. The recipe calls for just one thinly sliced chicken breast and I was worried that it wouldn't be enough but it was! The "risotto" was a big hit with the mister but I didn't like it. It was just a little on the bland side and I'm afraid I put in a little too much onion. But that is just one of things when you make items off of Pinterest, you never know if they're good or not until you make them. Everyone has different tastes, so while someone thinks it is fabulous, you might not this so. Oh well!
3) I was searching for a particular save-the-date wording and I just typed it in to google. Look in the middle of this screen shot....one of these things is not like the other.
Bahahahaha. I am still laughing over this!
4) It was a warm and toasty 15 degrees when I left for work this morning. Southerners are not used to cold snaps like this!! I decided to drive the misters tahoe instead of my car since it has automatic start. My thought process was: oh it will be all toasty when I get in and I won't even have to go outside. Yeah, no. Apparently it has to be set a certain way and it wasn't warm AT.ALL.when I got in it. Do you know how cold leather seats are when its 15 degrees outside? My bum was cold the whole way to work, even with the seat heater on! This weekend we are going to buy the mister a coat because he doesn't own one. Having lived in south Georgia for the past 18 years of his life, the temperature doesn't drop down there, so the thickest jacket he has is a North Face. Even though it was colder than a witches tit in a brass bra this morning I still put some effort into my outfit when all I really wanted to do was wear flannel pj's to work!
The old black mirror is back! LOL |
Thoughts? Do any of you have this bedding or have you seen in it a PB store? I hope that it looks as good in person as it does on the screen!
What do y'all have on tap for the weekend? We're tying up a few loose ends around the house and are going to dinner with friends on Saturday night! I hope everyone enjoys themselves and stays warm!
Don't forget to link up with Darci, Natasha, April and Christine!
Just now reading this post...I can feel your exitement about your wedding even as you write about chicken and bedding, ha! You just seem so much happier and more anxious about life than you have seemed in the years past...not that you were a depressive person... Because you SO were not...you get what I mean...lol. That bedding does look great though...and sort of gender neutral, which I LOVE when it comes to bedding...I hate anything too "froo from" on my bed. I hope it looks just as beautiful in person! Good luck :)